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Math Standards

A. A student should understand mathematical facts, concepts, principles, and theories.

2. select and use appropriate systems, units, and tools of measurement, including estimation;

3. perform basic arithmetic functions, make reasoned estimates, and select and use appropriate methods or tools for computation or estimation including mental arithmetic, paper and pencil, a calculator, and a computer;

C. A student should understand and be able to form and use appropriate methods to define and explain mathematical relationships.

1. express and represent mathematical ideas using oral and written presentations, physical materials, pictures, graphs, charts, and algebraic expressions;

4. clarify mathematical ideas through discussion with others.

D. A student should be able to use logic and reason to solve mathematical problems.

1. analyze situations;

2. draw logical conclusions;

3. use models, known facts, and relationships to explain the student's reasoning;

E. A student should be able to apply mathematical concepts and processes to situations within and outside of school.

2. use mathematics in daily life; and

3. use mathematics in other curriculum areas.


Science Standards

A. A student should understand scientific facts, concepts, principles, and theories.

15. use science to understand and describe the local environment (Local Knowledge); and

B. A student should possess and understand the skills of scientific inquiry.

1. use the processes of science; these processes include observing, classifying, measuring, interpreting data, inferring, communicating, controlling variables, developing models and theories, hypothesizing, predicting, and experimenting;

2. design and conduct scientific investigations using appropriate instruments;

5. employ ethical standards, including unbiased data collection and factual reporting of results; and

6. employ strict adherence to safety procedures in conducting scientific investigations.

D. A student should be able to apply scientific knowledge and skills to make reasoned decisions about the use of science and scientific innovations.

1. apply scientific knowledge and skills to understand issues and everyday events;

2. understand that scientific innovations may affect our economy, safety, environment, health, and society and that these effects may be long or short term, positive or negative, and expected or unexpected;


Language Arts

A. A student should be able to speak and write well for a variety of purposes and audiences.

1. apply elements of effective writing and speaking; these elements include ideas, organization, vocabulary, sentence structure, and personal style;

2. in writing, demonstrate skills in sentence and paragraph structure, including grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation;

3. in speaking, demonstrate skills in volume, intonation, and clarity;

7. communicate ideas using varied tools of electronic technology; and

8. evaluate the student's own speaking and writing and that of others using high standards.

B. A student should be a competent and thoughtful reader, listener, and viewer of literature, technical materials, and a variety of other information.

3. relate what the student views, reads, and hears to practical purposes in the student's own life, to the world outside, and to other texts and experiences.

C. A student should understand and respect the perspectives of others in order to communicate effectively.

1. use information, both oral and written, and literature of many types and cultures to understand self and others;

3. recognize bias in all forms of communication; and recognize the communication styles of different cultures and their possible effects on others.


Technology Standards

A. A student should be able to operate technology-based tools.

1. use a computer to enter and retrieve information;

2. use technological tools for learning, communications, and productivity;

B. A student should be able to use technology to locate, select, and manage information.

1. identify and locate information sources using technology;

D. A student should be able to use technology to express ideas and exchange information.

1. convey ideas to a variety of audiences using publishing, multi- media, and communications tools;

E. A student should be able to use technology responsibly and understand its impact on individuals and society.

3. respect others' rights of privacy in electronic environments;

6. evaluate ways that technology impacts culture and the environment;

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