Excerpt: "The
Observing Snow curriculum could not be possible without
the help and contributions of many people. The communities
of Minto, McGrath, Galena, and Cantwell helped make this
project a success.This program was sponsored by the Alaska
Rural Systemic Initiative (ARSI). The guidance of Ray [Barnhardt],
and the technical assistance of the Alaska Native Knowledge
Network were key in bringing the project to completion."
Teachers' Domain: Alaska Native Perspectives on
Earth and Climate
Excerpt: "As the environmental, economic, and political consequences
of climate change are felt in Alaska, the Arctic, and throughout
the world, we have much to learn from both the traditional knowledge
of Native peoples and ongoing scientific research. These two methods
of observing nature and solving the challenges of survival can
provide complementary perspectives on these issues. This collection
looks at Alaska’s unique geology and the impact of development
and climate change using both of these tools, and features Alaska
Native scientists who are working toward solutions."
AKRSI Final Report: Phase II
Excerpt: "The following is the Final Report on
the rural school reform initiatives implemented during Phase
II of
Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative (2000 – 2005). The focus
of the AKRSI-Phase II builds on the successes of the initiatives
that were implemented in Phase I, with the locus of activity
in the same 20 rural school districts that have served as partners
in the original initiatives since 1995. The primary differences
during Phase II have been in the concentration of effort and
increased emphasis on sustainability of the initiatives that
have been implemented."
for Culturally Responsive Science Curriculum
A very useful handbook written by Sidney Stephens.
Village Science
Written by Alan Dick. This resource is also available
as an interactive CD or download.
Village Math
Written by Alan Dick.
These videos contain elements of Alaska Native knowledge.
They are available online, VHS or DVD format.
Science Camps, Fairs & Experiments
Written by Alan Dick. This resource is also available
as an interactive CD.
Translating Standards to Practice:
A Teacher's Guide to Use and Assessment of the Alaska Science
This resource is also available in an interactive CD.
Culturally Responsive Units
These units include great examples which can be applied to any locale.
Math in a Cultural Context: Lessons Learned from
Yup'ik Eskimo Elders Project
Excerpt: "Math in a Cultural Context (MCC) is a supplemental elementary
school math series. The math modules that compose MCC are the result
of a rather extraordinary collaboration of educators, Yup’ik
elders and teachers, mathematicians and math educators, and Alaskan
school districts."
Science Forum
This web page is provided as a public service by the Geophysical Institute,
University of Alaska Fairbanks, in cooperation with the UAF research community.