The Idea
Told my students today about it (the Virtual Museum project) and they were really excited.  More so than I had anticipated.  I’ve gotten so used to them bemoaning mundane work, not connected to the lives’ they lead.  There’s nothing on TV that looks like them; resembles their day-to-day existence.  I shared the idea of telling about Kalskag: who lives here, what here is.  They were piqued.  Hope they remain so.
The Idea came from the fact that most of my students are Yupik Eskimo, some Tliget and Athabaskan too.  Of course there are some German and other heritages floating around.  From as far back as when the Russians were here, on the Kuskwokim River, looking for furs and commerce.  The intriguing histories of this area inspired the idea for a placed based student project -  a Virtual Museum of Kalskag.
January 24th