Coping with Death
Death in Kalskag
Author:  Tiffany Samuelson
Everyone deals with death differently. When people die in Kalskag everyone gathers at the person’s
Dealing with death day by day
Author:  Angelina Hapoff
    When someone passes away here in Kalskag, relatives and friends go to the family of the person
Rural Villagers Coping with Death
Author: Hank Aloysius
        When someone passes away in Kalskag, it seems as if it concerns everybody, especially if
Help and Support
Author:  Nicolai Nicolai
    How do people from Kalskag deal with death? When a person dies in the village, people usually
My Grandpa’s Death
Author: Nicolette & Nicolai Nicolai
    When people deal with death here in Kalskag, or when someone dies, everyone goes and pays
These writings are about how death is dealt with in Kalskag.  The ways death is dealt with are by having an open house, feeds, having a wake, and church services. People work together to support the family of the deceased.