Fred Holmberg
    When you go to find a spot to live, you look around and see if you can live life there. You check around for good hunting areas, berry camps, and fresh water. You also look for high ground because if it floods, your house would be safe. This is the way to think ahead and make a good place to stay. It would keep you from destruction.
During the interview Fred Holmberg was giving examples of a good home and the way the people from long ago used to look for it. If you want to move to a place, you just don’t go because it looks beautiful. You go because you look at all the things that make your travel easier and the ways to make things possible for making a good place to live.
    When you go to build a fishcamp, or a berry camp, you look around; see if the environment is able to give it’s sources to you. When you’re searching for a place, never look at things the hard way, look at the things you need, if you do succeed in finding a place like this, keep it. Think positive, look around at the positives, and work hard. Living back in the old days, you had to make a lot of choices that time will come again. To change and make a place to be, to live, to plan out day after day, on all the things that need to be done.
    Fred’s opinion on this village growing to become a large city was quite persuasive. Right now people around here do not look at these early treasures; they just look for a place to live. They don’t think of ways to try and expand their thoughts, they think and buy. He talked about the taxes rising to the point where people can’t afford to pay. He also talked about how some day; more and more people would come and over populate this little village, and make it bigger. When that day comes, people who are poor will not be able to take this change into hand and pay the price in which the taxes will raise. They would be kicked out of their own house. Some people look at this and create ways to think ahead and make a place to move away out and make and build a refuge, to start over. Make a new home for them.
Fred holmberg 
Author:  Nicolai NIcolai

Fred Holmberg
Age:  22
Fred’s relatives, were  among first to inhabit the land