The Way To Bring Mail
    Long ago when there were no vehicles in Kalskag there were sled-dogs and they brought the mail to Aniak. It also got the mail and brought it to Kalskag everyday. There were a couple of drivers but the main one was Paul Kameroff Sr. This started in the 1950s and ended when the airplanes started to come in 1954. When the airplanes came Alec Aloysius started to get the mail and bring it to the post office.
    A dog-sled is a wooden sled that is light weight. It is light weight so the dogs can pull the sled far and they won’t get exhausted. The sled has rope tied around the sides to hold it together. It also has a break so the driver can stop if the dogs don’t listen. There is a handle in the back and two pieces of wood sticking out so the driver can stand up. It also has slide rails on the bottom, but long ago they used to put ice so it will go faster.
    The dogs have harnesses around their bodies and they are all tied together by rope. There are lead dogs that go in the front of the pack, they listen to the driver and the other dogs will follow. The dogs pull the sled really fast so you have to hang on tight.
    The mail was bruoght in and out of Kalskag by sled-dogs. The sled is pulled by dogs. The dogs are very strong for running far. Now days it is faster to send mail out and to recieve mail. We can also send big things and get big things no that we have airplanes.
Author: Tiffany Samuelson
The Way To Bring Mail