upper kalskag postal history
    The postal service has served Kalskag for over fifty years and of course it’s still operating today. According to long time resident Dunia Holmberg, the postal service first came to be during the early 1950’s and was first located at the Upper Kalskag elementary school. The postmaster of that time was a teacher named Gene Avee. For the next ten or twenty years,
The post office was then relocated to a new location. The post office was built on Aleck Aloysius’s property. Half of the building was the post office and the other half was a living area for Aleck, Katrina and their family. During this time, all mail was brought in and sent in by airplanes and Aleck would receive or bring mail to the plane(s) since he was the agent. Before then, mail was brought in and sent by dog sleds. When mail was received, the postmistress (Katrina) would sort mail and put them in box holder’s mailboxes.
    Another ten or twenty years later, the post office was once again relocated next to the Morgan’s store. There were two sides of the building. The post office was on one side while the store was on the other. That building is still the post office today with the other side of the building demolished. Tonia Deacon is the postmistress today at the Upper Kalskag post office and Betty Turner is the agent.
Author: Hank Aloysius
Upper Kalskag postal history