Hunting with weapons
     We have been hunting in Kalskag for generations. Before guns were invented we used homemade weapons like, bows and arrows, spears, and traps. Our ancestors made bows and arrows out of wood. They didn't make them too big because they would be hard to pack around. I think they made them out of birch wood because that is hard to break and stiff. Our ancestors also made spears out of wood. They would cut a big branch off of a tree then carve it into a shape of a spear. They would make the spears about shoulder height, because if they made them too small they wouldn't do much damage to the animal.
   Now we have guns that are more lethal than bows and arrows. We have all kinds of guns for different types of animals. We have small guns for small game like a 22 pistol/rifle used for willow grouse, rabbits, and spruce chickens. Then you move up to animals that are a little bit bigger. You would use 4 - 10, 15, 20, or 12 gauge for ducks, geese, and swans. For much larger animals like moose, caribou, bear, or wolves you would use 2-22 or 2-23, 270 Winchestor, 300 Remington, 357 Magnum, or 30-30. The difference between the ammo of a riffle and shot gun is a shot gun shell is made mostly of plastic and holds b-b's inside, and they don't go as far as a riffle. A riffle shell is skinnier than a shotgun shell, it's made out of brass. A pistol’s ammo is the same as a rifles but smaller.
   Now that we have all these different types of guns, it's much easier to hunt. They've made hunting much easier because a gun shoots a bullet way farther than a bow can sling an arrow. You can kill an animal from a long distance with a gun, but with an arrow you would only wound the animal. When hunting with a gun you must be accurate, because a gun is a lot louder than bow and arrow. If you miss the animal your shooting at the loud bang will scare your game away and you probably wouldn't have a chance to catch it. If you miss with a bow and arrow the animal wouldn't hear it because it is silent, so you will have another chance to kill it.
hunting with weapons Lynx tracks
Author:  Kyle Mute