Primary |
rivers freeze for 1 week* |
Peninsula, Bering Straits Region |
Perform subsistence activities in ways that are appropriate to local
cultural traditions
Acquire in-depth cultural knowledge through active participation
and meaningful interaction with Elders
B1: Use the processes of science
B2: Design and conduct scientific investigations using appropriate
and Knowledge
1: Students observe and describe their world
B1-Level 2: Measure and collect data from experiments and use this
information in order to classify, predict and communicate about
their everyday world.
1: Raise questions and share observations
Collect, organize, analyze, interpret and represent data
E1 Explore problems and describe results using graphical, numerical
and physical models or representations
and Knowledge
• Collect, record, organize, display and explain the classification
of data;
- Describe
data from a variety of visual displays including tallies, tables,
pictographs, bar graphs and Venn diagrams;
- Use
the terms “maximum” and minimum” when working with
a data set.
M.E1 • Apply mathematical skills and processes to situations
with self and family.
Pole Construction with Elder Involvement
Construction with Elder Involvement |
Activity: Ice Fishing and Graphing Data |
Activity: Ice Fishing and Graphing Data |
Fishing: Bar Graph, Potlatch with Elders and Families |
big: a-ka-ga
collect: ga-da-see
experiment: uuk-do-ak
fish: il-ga-luk (more than one il-ga-lu-it)
grayling: soo-luk-bow-gruk
ice: see-goo
ice pick: duk
ice fishing: ma-nuk-do-dung-ga
lure: nik-see-ruk
maximum: il-ga-lu-i-at
minimum: cup-see-rut
salmon eggs: song-nik
small: u-too-goo
trout: i-gaa-loo-bik
Organizers, Observations, Journals, and Reporting
1: Fishing Pole Construction with Elder Involvement
- One
12–18 inch piece of wood /student
- Sandpaper/student
- Fishing
Begin the Ice Fishing unit with a group activity and discussion to
discover what students already know about ice fishing in their region.
You can label a piece of chart paper, “What We Know About Ice
Fishing.” Have the children sit in a circle and share at least
one thing they know about ice fishing. Write all responses down. Encourage
children to further share their knowledge by asking questions about
the local area: What kind of fish can we catch here? What do people
use to fish with? Who taught you to fish? What’s the biggest/smallest
fish you’ve caught? What are some different ways to prepare/eat
fish? What kind of things do fish eat? What kind of bait/tackle do
you use for certain fish? Etc. The teacher should then prepare another
chart to post in the room that lists questions or “What More
We Want to Know About Ice Fishing.” This chart will be returned
to as questions are answered or other questions arise during the unit.
(Embedded assessment: prior knowledge) |
an Elder to share/explain how the local community ice fishes. The
Elder may show the class their favorite fishing pole and lure; demonstrate
how they use their pole; talk about what kind of fish they use it
for; and show how they made their pole. |
Elder or teacher may invite the students to make their own fishing
poles. Each student will receive a 12–18 inch piece of wood
and a piece of sandpaper. The Elder or teacher may model the procedure
for cutting and sanding a depression at both ends of the piece of
wood. See illustration. The teacher may want to have an adult do
the cutting.

students have finished sanding their fishing poles, they may begin
wrapping fishing line around the entire length of the pole, using
the depressions at each end to hold the line in place. It is important
to tie a strong knot around the first loop. Students may label their
After students have completed their fishing poles, it is important
to have an Elder demonstrate the proper way to retrieve fish from
an ice hole. Allow time for students to practice the technique.
For younger students, it may be appropriate to role-play the technique
are encouraged to provide the class with at least ten minutes undisturbed,
free writing time. It is a chance for students to retell or share
some of their experiences during the ice fishing unit. Teachers
are encouraged to provide art materials to supplement longer free
writing activities. It is important to remember that this is a free
writing time. More formal writing activities may be integrated into
the unit as the teacher deems appropriate.
To close each day’s fishing activities, the teacher should
assist students in adding information to a chart labeled “What
We’ve Learned” posted somewhere in the classroom. Children
are encouraged to share at least one new thing they learned from
the day’s activities as the teacher or students write them
on the chart. The teacher can review the list of student questions
from What More We Want to Know About Ice Fishing to see if any of
them had been answered in the day’s activities. This is a daily
2: Lure Construction with Elder Involvement |
lure materials center should have stations like the following:
#1– beads of multiple colors
#2– yarn of several colors
#3– metals such as tin foil, copper sheets etc.
#4– colorful feathers
#5– J-hooks with fish-line leader: two sizes (large and small)
and barbless
Elder from the community will discuss with the children the construction
of the most basic fishing lure while sharing traditional methods/materials.
The discussion may include what types of fish are found in the local
area, what seasons are the best for certain species, what bait or
techniques are used to catch certain species. The Elder may include
a story or share a fishing experience related to the topic. The Elder
will then display and explain the fishing lures that he or she uses.
We will concentrate on the types of lures that attract trout and grayling
(fish species may vary from region to region and season to season). |
Elder or teacher will explain to the children that they will be
making lures of their own. Remind students to recall what the Elders
shared and what their lures looked like, to be creative, and think
about things/colors that might attract fish. Students will be given
a small paper bag and visit the lure materials centers individually
to collect the materials they would like to use to make their lure.
Visiting the centers individually will avoid the “copy cat”
syndrome often occurring when young children choose materials.
The center may include other materials students can use to construct
a lure. Allow students to brainstorm other materials that may be
useful. Constantly remind the students to think like a fish! What
color do you think might attract a fish to your hook? Remember what
the Elders said! Be creative!
When all of the students have finished collecting their materials,
have them sit in small cooperative groups. Instruct and model adding
beads, yarn, feathers and metal to J-hooks. Students may need assistance
threading beads through J-hook leaders. Students may also need assistance
attaching metal materials to J-hook leaders.
students are making their lures, check for understanding and assess
by asking students to explain why they chose particular colors and
designs, and retell how they made their lures. They may wish to show-and-tell
the class about their lures. |
time permits, students may further compare their lures by sorting
them using Venn diagrams. They may also create and sort their lures
using dichotomous keys. See examples. |
should help students analyze their classification schemes by asking
questions to aid comparison and communication.

3 & 4: Class Activity—Ice Fishing with Elder Involvement
& Graphing Data |
poles and lures constructed by children
for creating graphs
Elders and community members will travel to a local fishing area
and fish for a local species of fish. For this lesson and region,
trout and grayling will be the sought-after fish. This is a great
opportunity for informal lessons, stories, and instruction to take
place between Elders, community members and students. These fishing
activities are perhaps the most powerful components of the entire
unit. Students and Elders will be in an appropriate context to begin
sharing and educating in a culturally responsive context. Proper
cleaning and handling of fish to avoid spoilage should be part of
this experience.
Before students leave for fishing, have them predict and record
(either written, pictorial, or oral) how many fish they will catch
and which lure in the class will catch the most fish. Before leaving,
you may also want to have students prepare their graphs for data
are several types of graphs that can be prepared to represent fishing
Line graphs: each student can keep track of their own fishing
success by constructing a line graph with the vertical (y-axis)
representing the number of fish caught and the x-axis (horizontal)
representing the days fished. There can also be a whole-class
line graph which tallies the number of fish caught by everyone
per day. Questions such as the following would prompt students
to analyze their data: which day were the most fish caught? The
least? How many more fish were caught on one day vs. another?
How might you explain the differences in number of fish caught?
Bar graphs: students can create a class bar graph where the x-axis
has a colored drawing of each child’s lure plus their name
and the y-axis represents number of fish caught. Fishing data
for each day can be entered by each child for their lure, using
a different color pen for each day of fishing (e.g. Wednesday
blue, Thursday red, and Friday green). Or, depending upon time
and their ability, they might also classify their lures into appropriate
groups and construct a bar graph indicating total fish caught
per day/lure type or total fish caught for all fishing days/lure
type. Possible lure groupings might be made according to bead
color, with or without feathers/metal, barb size and so on. Classification
using a Venn diagram might be most helpful here prior to graph
might also want to construct bar graphs of the size of fish caught
using categories such as small = under 5", medium = 6"–10",
large = 10"–12" etc.
In addition to entering and analyzing the data above, students should
also be encouraged to share stories and at least one new thing they
learned from fishing that day and also do the daily journal writing
as explained previously.
5: Ice Fishing and Graphing Ending with Potlatch with Elders and Families |
poles and lures
Gathered Food for Potlatch
students will spend the morning with another fishing trip. The procedure
is the same as in Lesson 3 and 4. This will give the students three
sets of data to observe and sort. |
will add their fish tallies for the final day to the class bar graph
and to their individual line graphs. The class can then discuss
the results and begin ordering the data from least to greatest or
greatest to least. Once the list has been discussed, the class may
decide how they want their data to appear on a final class bar graph.
Begin using the vocabulary words maximum (il-ga-lu-i-at) and minimum
(cu-see-rut) when discussing the graph. Have the students predict
what the graph will look like if they choose to go from least to
greatest or greatest to least. Once the class has agreed on an ordering
format, begin inviting students to add and color their data on the
class bar graph.
When data has been entered, explore the results with the students:
What is the maximum amount of fish our graph shows? What is the
minimum? Is there anyone who caught the same amount of fish? Which
lure caught the most fish? Does this lure resemble the lures used
by the Elders? What colors did that person use? Which lure caught
the least amount of fish? What colors did that person use? What
is the difference between the maximum and minimum numbers on our
graph? If you were going to make another lure, what colors/materials
would you use? Why?
time allows, have the children make and test another lure with the
idea in mind that they should try to make a lure using the same
colors/materials as the lure that caught the most fish.
As a final component or activity of the ice fishing unit, the students
will sponsor a fish fry or potlatch for Elders and parents using
the fish they caught during the week. During the potlatch, students
can share their journals, graphs and experiences with their parents
and Elders. The teacher may have a small awards ceremony and present
students with “Most Fish”, “Biggest Fish”, “Smallest
Fish”, and other participation awards. The teacher should also
present an appreciation award such as a replica of the lure that
caught the most fish, to the Elders who helped with the unit. In
the event that the class does not catch enough fish to sponsor a
potlatch, you might stretch the catch by making a fish chowder
extend upon the activities within this particular unit a class might:
- Continue
to experiment with this investigation to help create a firmer
data set.
Expand the exploration to include other variables as developmentally
appropriate e.g. temperature, various fishing sites, fishing technique,
time of day, etc.
Study the different species of fish.
Engage in writing activities that may include sharing knowledge
with other students; creating a book about ice fishing in the
area; or keeping a detailed journal of findings.
Participate in activities that help bring about awareness of safety
issues when ice fishing.
Discuss subsistence.
Replicate this activity during the spring ice-fishing time to
note similarities and differences.
Write a song or dance to help describe or recreate the findings
of this unit.
Continue to involve the Elders of the community in the education
of the students.
Explore the many ways in which other villages engage in ice fishing.
Read children’s literature that relates to subsistence issues,
ice fishing or arctic survival.
Learn ways in which fish are best preserved and prepared.