Level 1

Alaska Science
Key Element A14b

A student who meets the content standard should understand that the living environment consists of individuals, populations, and communities (Interdependence).


red rule

Performance Standard Level 1, Ages 5–7

Students identify local animals that live together in groups.

Sample Assessment Ideas

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Sample Assessment Ideas

  • Students describe the interactions within a population of local animals during mating season.

  • Students brainstorm a list of animals that live in groups.

Expanded Sample Assessment Idea

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Expanded Sample Assessment Idea

  • Students make a classroom bulletin board of local animals that live in groups.


Students will:

  1. Identify different local animals that live in groups; discuss the type of group the animals live in (for example, female groups, mixed groups, groups with leaders, and so on). Collect pictures (from photographs, magazine, Internet) of these animals.

  2. Post pictures on bulletin board to form groups of animals.

Reflection and Revision

How does living in a group affect the animal? Does this animal live in a group all the time? Do both sexes of these animals live in the group? Does the group have a leader? Group the animals you have studied in a Venn diagram.


Levels of Performance

Stage 4
stage fish stage fish
stage fish stage fish

Student collects multiple animal pictures, and correctly identifies the animals and different group types.
Stage 3
stage fish
stage fish
stage fish
Student collects multiple animal pictures and correctly identifies most of the animals.
Stage 2
stage fish
stage fish
Student may collect multiple animal pictures but correctly identifies only one or two animals.
Stage 1
stage fish
Student may collect an animal picture and identify it.
Standards Cross-Reference red rule

Standards Cross-References
( Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Standards

National Science Education Standards

Human populations include groups of individuals living in a particular location. One important characteristic of a human population is the population density-the number of individuals of a particular population that lives in a given amount of space. (Page 140)

The size of a human population can increase or decrease. Populations will increase unless other factors such a disease or famine decreases the population. (Page 140)



Animals eat plants or other animals for food and may also use plants (or even other animals) for shelter and nesting. (Page 116)

Living things are found almost everywhere in the world. There are somewhat different kinds in different places. (Page 116)

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