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Native Pathways to Education
Alaska Native Cultural Resources
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Indigenous Education Worldwide

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Yup'ik - Cup'ik RavenYup'ik/Cup'ik


Yup'ik Bird Book
Excerpt: "Introduction
I began this 'book' as a series of articles on birds found in the Lower Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. My rationale for beginning the series was to try to get Yupik students more interested in their language and traditional aspects of their culture through the medium of birds. I also hoped they would become more interested in science, and understand that, although there are differences between western science and traditional Yupik knowledge, there are many similarities as well."

Naparyarmiut Cultural Atlas
This student-produced Cultural Atlas is from Hooper Bay, Alaska, through the direction of one of their teachers, Cate Koskey. Password required. To obtain a password, you can Register.

Akula Elitnaurvik
This site is student-produced to express their culture in Kasigluk, Alaska.

Yuungnaqpiallerput - The Way We Genuinely Live - Masterworks of Yup'ik Science and Survival
"This exhibit teaches about the Yup'ik way of life--the animals and plants, the tools used to survive, and the values. It also teaches about the generosity of men and women who shared their knowledge. "

Marshall Cultural Atlas
This collection of student work is Frank Keim's classes. He has wanted to share these works for others to use as an example of Culturally-based curriculum and documentation.

Yaaveskaniryaraq: Cultural Education (13.7 MB pdf)
'Yaaveskaniryaraq' is humanities-based curriculum that focuses on the literature, history, art, science, spirituality and social systems of the Yup'ik civilization.

Poems by Maricia Skinna
Here are a selection of poems written by Maricia Skinna, originally from Mountain Village and now living in Klawock, Alaska.

Our Language Our Souls: The Yup'ik bilingual curriculum of the Lower Kuskokwim School District: A continuing success story.

Yupiit Culture Curriculum
This curriculum database is a draft. Yupiit School District's Yupiit Culture Curriculum serves as a template so that others could apply the format to their locale.

Native Values
The Alaska Native Values are now available online.

Dillingham City School District Curriculum Guide
The Cultural Studies Program incorporate the Yup'ik way of life into their curriculum.

Yup'ik Language and Culture Curriculum for High School, Level 1 Teacher's Guide
By Phyllis Morrow and Chase Hensel

Yupiaq Education Revisited
By Angayuqaq Oscar Kawagley
Excerpt: "For the Yupiaq people, culture, knowing and living are intricately interrelated. Living in a harsh environment requires a vast array of precise empirical knowledge to survive the many risks due to conditions such as unpredictable weather and marginal food availability."

Alaskan Orthodox Texts (Aleut, Alutiiq, Tlingit, Yup'ik)
An ongoing project offering Alaskan Orthodox Texts in their original languages (Aleut, Alutiiq, Tlingit, Yup'ik). These texts were written by Sts. Innocent (Veniaminov) and Jacob (Netsvetov) and others.

Ayaprun Elitnaurvik Yupik Immersion School
This Charter School is a Yup'ik Immersion School for Grades K-6.

Alaska Culture Exposed
This is a Yupiaq blog with links, video and audio pertaining to rural Alaska. This site began in 2005, with some rich cultural information.

KNBA 90.3 FM's Native Word Archives
This site includes Native words with sounds from Native speakers. The languages represented are Iñupiaq, Aleut, Tlingit, Athabascan, and Yup'ik.

The Native Studies Curriculum and Teacher Development Project (NSCTD) brings together teams of teachers, elders, and community members in various parts of Alaska with university-based specialists to develop curricula on Alaska Native studies and language that is available to all schools through the internet or on CD.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Native Language Center is an excellent resource for information on the languages of Alaska Natives.

Agayuliyaraput (Our Way of Making Prayer)
The Living Tradition of Yup'ik Masks: Exploring the cultural and artistic traditions of the Yup'ik people of Southwest Alaska: A symposium. From the National Museum of the American Indian.

Alaska Native Heritage Center
Excerpt: "The Alaska Native Heritage Center is a gathering place that celebrates, perpetuates and shares Alaska Native cultures. Since opening in 1999, the Center has become Alaska's premier interactive cultural destination."


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Alaska Native Knowledge Network
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 756730
Fairbanks  AK 99775-6730
Phone (907) 474.1902
Fax (907) 474.1957
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Last modified June 19, 2012