Deg Xinag Learners' Dictionary
"This is a draft version of a dictionary for learners. Please
send your suggestions for improving the dictionary to" This
online talking dictionary is searchable.
Two Old Women Study Guide
This resource was developed in 2009 by Maureen Cronin-Wmscornelius.
Testimonies to the Alaska Natives Commission
Fairbanks - 1992
Ft. Yukon - 1993
Observing Snow
Excerpt: "The
Observing Snow curriculum could not be possible without
the help and contributions of many people. The communities
Minto, McGrath, Galena, and Cantwell helped make this
project a success.This program was sponsored by the Alaska
Systemic Initiative (ARSI). The guidance of Ray [Barnhardt],
and the technical assistance of the Alaska Native Knowledge
Network were key in bringing the project to completion."
The Adventures of Yaabaa Teeshaay
First Man Stories from Healy Lake
Excerpt: "Yaabaa Teeshaay was a cultural hero who lived a priori,
or, as some would suggest, at the very beginning of time. He came
to earth on a mission: to set things right among animals and mankind."
Sze Kuinalth
"Teaching Our Many Grandchildren"
A Curriculum Guide
Chistochina & Mentasta, Alaska
Tribal Tourism Development
A Handbook for Planners
Excerpt: "Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium
received funding from the Environmental Protection Agency to
address local tourism
issues and to develop infrastructure for ecotourism development
and management in the two Alaskan Villages of Mentasta and Chistochina.
This manual was created to document the tourism development process
that we went through and to help other tribes begin the process."
Minto Mapping Project
Excerpt: "The Minto Mapping
Project began several years ago with the intent of recording
indigenous place names of traditional and contemporary land
sites used by the people of Interior Alaska’s Minto
Tanacross Learner's Dictionary
"The Tanacross Learner's Dictionary is intended as a reference
for anyone wanting to learn the spoken language. Words are organized
by English headword. The subject matter and the level of complexity
are varied enough to make the dictionary a useful resource for
a wide range of users: from people who know nothing of the language
to people know some words and phrases or have heard the language
being spoken by their parents or grandparents."
Dog Salmon 6-8 Grade Unit
by Velma Schafer and Joy Simon
Study of the Western Gwich'in Bands
By Adeline Peter-Raboff
Athabascan Tribal College
of Interior Alaska
4th Grade Social Studies Unit
Written By Patricia H. Partnow
Athabascan "Seasons" and "Whole
by Catherine Attla
Two charts by an Athabascan Elder showing a traditional model of an Athabascan
Heritage and Education Institute
Excerpt: "The Cultural Heritage and Education
Institutes' mission is threefold- to Share, Educate
and Restore; share Athabascan cultural knowledge and
skills, educate youth and adults on how to be sober productive
participants in Native Athabascan and non-Native western
cultures and restore the spiritual site of Old Minto
and the history of a past village."
Dene', Indigenous People of Interior Alaska
Kindergarten Unit on Alaska Native Education
by FNSBSD Alaska Native Education
Native Values
The Alaska Native Values are now available online.
Chickaloon Native Village
Excerpt: "Chickaloon Native Village, governed by
the Chickaloon Village Traditional Council (CVTC), is a federally
recognized tribal government located in the southcentral region
of Alaska. The Tribe has one Ahtna Athabascan speaker living
in the area putting us in danger of losing the ability to learn
our language within the next 5 years."
Dena'ina Qenaga
Excerpt: "The Dena'ina Qenaga website
is a web-based resource for the Dena'ina Athabascan language.
This site is designed
provide information about the Dena'ina language, including
information about language structure (grammar, pronunciation,
spelling, etc.);
information about learning the Dena'ina language (phrases and
conversations, stories, etc.); and information about community
language revitalization programs. This phase of website development
is very much in its initial, beginning stages. We welcome ideas
for additional content."
Yukon Native Language Centre
Though this is a Canadian dialect, this may be very useful.
files with the phrases.
Native Association
Spirit Camp
Excerpt:"Gaalee'ya Spirit
Camp is a non-profit community based organization intended
to rejuvenate,
restrengthen, and instill genuine respect, love, and attitudes that
enable individuals to become willing and able to contribute to their
KNBA 90.3 FM's
Native Word Archives
This site includes Native words with sounds from Native
speakers. The languages represented are Iñupiaq,
Aleut, Tlingit, Athabascan, and Yup'ik.
The Native Studies Curriculum and Teacher Development Project (NSCTD) brings
together teams of teachers, Elders, and community members in various parts
of Alaska with university-based specialists to develop curricula on Alaska
Native studies and language that is available to all schools through the
internet or on CD.
The University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska
Native Language Center is an excellent resource
for information on the languages of Alaska Natives. Dena'ina
Qenaga Du'idnaghelnik - Dena'ina Phrases 1: Nondalton
Dialect is one of their resources. They
also have a Tanacross Athabascan Language site.
Native Heritage Center
Excerpt: "The Alaska Native Heritage Center
is a gathering place that celebrates, perpetuates and shares
Alaska Native cultures. Since opening in 1999, the Center has
become Alaska's premier interactive cultural destination."