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Native Pathways to Education
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Tlingit RavenPauline Duncan's Tlingit Curriculum Resources - Posters

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How to make



Tlingit Art

Tlingit Art

1. When salmon is first brought in, wash thoroughly.

Cut head off
2. Cut head off.

Slice the salmon in half
3. Slice the salmon in half and clean out. On one side leave the tail attached and on the opposite side keep the backbone attached to keep the fish balanced on the smoking stick.

Hang in smokehouse overnight
4. Hang in smokehouse overnight with very light smoke. The next day, bring the salmon out of the smokehouse and put on a slicing board.

Slice off the backbone and the tail
5. Slice off the backbone and the tail.

Remove backbone
6. Remove backbone.

start slicing down stomach
7. (A slicing board is an A-frame standing form.) Using a sharp knife, start slicing down stomach.

Lay the fish on the slicing board
8. Lay the fish on the slicing board with the flesh out.

Start slicing down the back of the salmon
9. Start slicing down the back of the salmon and down through the collar. Be careful to keep flesh attached to the collar bone and the skin. Slice the collar right down the middle.

Hang the fish
10. Hang the fish; tail and backbone back up in the smokehouse.

Add a little more smoke and heat
11. Add a little more smoke and heat then the first day.

move fish on a rotating basis
12. Be sure to move fish on a rotating basis or fish might sour.

When the fish is firm with smoke in heat, remove from the stick. This is the At X'eeshi Sus' stage. Cut a small hole on the collar or side. Rearrange the salmon and hang up vertically. Hang the stick with the fish away from the direct heat. Add more heat and smoke until fish is completely dried. Depending on the weather 3 - 4 additional smoking days might be enough to thoroughly dry the fish. If the fish is not dried, mold will set in. If mold sets in, do not throw away. Get a bucket of salt water and remove the mold. Soaking in the water will soften the fish. The fish is ready to boil with seal oil and potatoes.

Process of Drying Salmon -|- The Dog Salmon Story -|- Salmon Used by the Tlingits -|- State Standards


© Pauline Duncan January, 2002 Sitka, Alaska


How to Make a Deer Hide Drum

How to Make a Deer Hoof Rattler & Devil Club Stick

How to Make Tlingit Dried Fish


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Alaska Native Knowledge Network
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PO Box 756730
Fairbanks  AK 99775-6730
Phone (907) 474.1902
Fax (907) 474.1957
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Last modified August 18, 2006