Lessons & Units
A database
of lessons and units searchable by content and cultural standards,
cultural region and grade level. More units will be available soon.
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for the Units and Self-Assessment
for Cultural Standards in Practice.
Elder - Catherine Attla
Amy VanHatten, Susan Rogers, Zelma Joseph Axford, Sarah
McDaniel, Sarah McClellan, and Alan Dick
Grade Level:
winter for 2 weeks or potentially more
Science Standards:
D1 - apply scientific knowledge and skills to understand
issues and everyday events
Skills and Knowledge
- apply understanding of the concept of weight distribution over
a specific area to the construction of snowshoes and
- identify different types of snowshoes and describe the
importance of the various shapes in forested or open areas
Math Standards:
A2 - select and use appropriate systems,
units, and tools of measurement, including estimation
A4- Represent, analyze, and use mathematical patterns,
relations and functions using methods such as tables, equations,
and graph
Skills and Knowledge
- compare and contrast western means of measuring (rulers) with
native use of anatomical measures
- conduct a survey of how many snowshoe types, sizes, who owns
them, etc. in their community and graphically display their
Cultural Standards:
A4- Practice their traditional responsibilities to the
surrounding environment
D1 - Acquire in-depth cultural knowledge through active
participation and meaningful interaction with Elders
D5 - Identify and utilize appropriate sources of
cultural knowledge to find solutions to everyday problems
Skills and Knowledge
- know which types of snowshoes are appropriate for which
- demonstrate traditional weaving techniques and integrate with
- show how to properly take care of snowshoes
Lesson Outline:
- Why do we use snowshoes?
- The importance of snowshoes
- Native intuitive ways of measuring for snowshoes
- Your own measuring stick
- Snowshoe survey
- How do snowshoes really work?
- Improvised survival snowshoes
- Performance event - Snowshoe Advertisement
- Performance event - Wood Hauling
- Cultural Assessment Suggestions
Lesson l--Why Do We Use Snowshoes? (a pre-assessment of
student knowledge)
Learning Goal: Students will recognize the value of
snowshoes for travelling in winter.
Science Standard: D-1 - apply scientific knowledge and
skills to understand issues and everyday events
Materials: Several (at least one) pairs of snowshoes, large
paper, markers
Activity: Students will experiment walking and running in
deep snow near the school, first with just boots, secondly with
snowshoes. Teaching hint: This could be done simply by two students
if need be. They could report to the class.
1. Students will first walk through deep snow with boots.
They then will walk using snowshoes.
2. Teacher will ask students to make observations about
their experience, to compare the two means of walking. What was
different? Teacher will ask students to state an answer to the
question, "Why do we use snowshoes?" And "How do snowshoes
Activity: Students will brainstorm with teacher what they
(think they) know about snowshoes, and what they want to know. At the
end of the unit, students will summarize what they learned about
snowshoes. (KWL chart)
Lesson 2--The Importance of Snowshoes
Learning Goal: Students will gather information about the
usefulness of snowshoes for travelling in Alaska in winter.
Language Arts Activity
Materials: Video, sporting equipment catalogues, student
Activity: Students will view a video on survival skills and
winter gear pertinent to Alaska, including information regarding
Activity: Students will gather information regarding
different types of snowshoes. Information sources could be found in
the school library, by using the internet, by asking family members,
or by looking in sporting equipment catalogues. Students will report
to the class about their findings regarding types of snowshoes and
their costs.
Activity: In their (language arts or science or social
studies) journal, students will: l)relate an account (actual or
fictitious) of how snowshoes proved helpful to someone (even
themselves) in an emergency situation, or; 2)write down a history of
someone who made a long journey using snowshoes.
Additional Reading Material:
Native stories
Dog Song by Gary Paulsen
Lost in the Barrens by Farley Mowat
Lesson 3: Native Ways of Measuring for Snowshoes
Learning Goals:
1) To present students with the opportunity to recognize Native of
knowledge measurement and calculating for snowshoes
2) For students to have confidence in their own ability to
3) For students understand the idea of pounds per square inch
Math Standard: A-2 - Select and use appropriate systems,
units, and tools of measurement including estimation.
Cultural Standards: - D-1 - Acquire in-depth
cultural knowledge through active participation and meaningful
interaction with Elders.
Materials: Traditionally made snowshoes, construction
materials, brass O rings and weaving materials, miniature
Activity: Students interact with Native Elder or
knowledgeable community member on topic of traditional snowshoe
construction. Students will practice traditional weaving
1. Invite a knowledgeable Elder or community member to speak to
the class about traditional snowshoe construction and to demonstrate
making snowshoes.
2. In preparation, have students brainstorm questions to ask the
visitor. Possible questions
* How do you decide what type of snowshoe to use?
* How do you know what size to use for any individual?
* How do you make snowshoes?
* Ask the elder to explain specifically:
--how to measure size of frame
--how to measure enough babiche to make a pair of
* Ask about other uses of measurement (for sewing, dogsled
making, fishnets)
What have you used for walking/travelling in deep snow in an
emergency or survival situation?
3. Elder demonstrates measuring and weaving, talks with
Activity: Students practice weaving webbing on snowshoes,
on brass O rings, or miniature snowshoes from craft store. Elder
Activity: Field trip to demonstrate picking an appropriate
tree for making snowshoe frames.
Lesson 4 ---Your Own Measuring Stick
Learning Goal: Students will explore their own ways of
determining measurement of: an inch, a foot, a yard, a centimeter, a
meter, their own pace.
Math Standard: A-2 - Select and use appropriate systems,
units, and tools of measurement, including estimation.
Materials: index cards, variety of measuring tools, large
paper or poster board
Activity: Calculate own "inch," "foot," "centimeter,"
"meter," "pace," "yard"
1. Students ask other members of the community whether
they have personal ways of measuring and how they use this method
in their daily life and work.
2. Students identify their own "measuring sticks." Using
standard western measuring tools or other, students figure out
what an inch, a foot, a yard, a centimeter, a meter would be
relative to their own body, and the length of their own pace.
3. Students compare their findings with those of other students
by making a chart or poster showing their personal measuring
Lesson 5 -- Snowshoe Survey
Goal: Children will discover how many and what types of
snowshoes exist in their homes and community.
Math Goal: Students will practice data collection,
analysis, and representation.
Math Standard: A-4 - represent, analyze and use
mathematical patterns, relations, and functions using methods such as
tables, equations and graphs
Materials: Survey forms, paper, clipboards, tags,
snowshoes, computer (optional)
Activity: Students will conduct a survey of snowshoe types
and uses present in the community.
1) Review what students learned from research about different
types of snowshoes.
2) Ask students how we can find out how many pairs of snowshoes
there are in the community and how we might record any information we
3) Discuss needs for accuracy and consistency in data
4) Practice interview techniques on each other.
1) Develop a standard data sheet for everyone to use.
2) Establish teams and jobs for team members.
3) Assign territory within community for each team to
Data Collection:
Each team collects the information and/or snowshoes within their
area. One person asks the questions while the other records data. If
owners will permit students to borrow snowshoes, students can label
with tag and take back to school as example.
Possible data to take: (students decide what to
Name of owner
Where Kept
Length--body parts and standard
Width --body parts and standard
Type (shape of frame)
When made (if known)
When acquired by owner
Materials used in construction
Data Analysis:
Figure some ratios. Use information to graph inventory.
Select the parameters the students want to visualize (for example
length, width, number). Draw graphs. Use computer to create graphs
if available.
Alternative activities: Other inventories (boots, snow
Teaching Hints: Possible Ratios
Cost of traditionally made/store bought (use catalogues
and survey information)
Number of people in community/number of people who have
Number of people who own snowshoes/number of people who use
Number of houses in community/number of snowshoe pairs
Other data collection examples, examples/pictures of different
types of snowshoes and how they are used.
Performance Event - Snowshoe Advertisement
Alaska Science Standard: D-1 Grade Level 5-6
Students have already collected information related to snow shoes
in their community and have done some research about types and the
history of snowshoes, snowshoe making in the region.
Materials: catalogues, pictures of snowshoes or
Directions to Students: Your job is to design an
advertisement for a pair of snowshoes for either a) open trail use,
or b) forested areas. Your advertisement should include:
* materials used to make the frame and webbing,
* advantages of materials used,
* comments about appropriate design for use you choose, price
* any other information you feel is important, and
* a picture of your item.
You have 45 minutes to complete this assignment. We will have a
product show at the end of the afternoon.
Elements for Snowshoe Advertisement
1. Includes information on frame materials
2. Includes information on webbing materials
3. Design information included
4. Includes information on price
5. Additional information
6. Illustration present
7. Communicates message clearly and concisely.
8. Presentation completed on time.
Lesson 6: Sink or Stay?
Learning Goal: Students will compare psi of different
footprints to help understand the concept.
Science Standard - D-1 - apply scientific knowledge and
skills to understand issues and everyday events
Math Standard: A-4 - represent, analyze and use
mathematical patterns, relations and functions using methods such as
tables, equations, and graphs
Activity: Ask students to recall what happened on the first
day of the unit (the with/without snowshoe test). Tell students the
class will now do some more investigation into why snowshoes are
1. Have students trace their boot on centimeter graph paper.
2. Since the boot does not have straight edges, some estimating
will be necessary. Ask the students to count the number of square
centimeters covered by the boot surface. Also have the students count
the squares that are more than one-half included inside the outline
of the boot, but caution students NOT to count squares that are less
than one-half included.
3. Ask the students what they think it is that makes you sink into
the snow. (Elicit weight, pressure, quality of the snow--packed or
loose). What relationship can students think of between weight and
sinking in snow?
4. Measure weight in kilograms of all students individually. Use
the same scale for everyone (nurse's office, airline office).
5. Can students think of a numerical relationship (ratio)
the area of their boot and their weight? Call it pounds per square
centimeter (psi) or "sink in the snow factor." Ask all students to
find their own sinking factor (division required!)
6. Then ask students to find the square centimeters covered by a
moose print (provide track outline). And the sinking factor of a cow
moose that weights 800 pounds.
7. Students then do similar exercise finding the area in square
centimeters of a pair of snowshoes.
To figure the psi of a snowshoe, you would estimate the area of
the snowshoe:
a) area of a rectangle = length X width = sq. in.
b) area of a triangle = 1/2 (base X height) = sq.
c) area of second triangle = 1/2 (base X height) = _
d) area of the snowshoe = a + b + c = sq. in.
8. Find sinking factor of snowshoe hare, lynx or ptarmigan prints
(provide track outline) and find sinking factor of each.
9. Have students compare boot to moose print, snowshoe to hare,
lynx or ptarmigan to see which kind of animal can move efficiently
through snow. What characteristic about snowshoes and large feet
might cause users to stay on top of the snow better?
10. Can you think of any other modes of transportation that use
this same idea of psi? Or any other areas of daily life? (skis? snow
machines? dog sleds? See Alan Dick's Village Science, p
11. Calculate the psi of a stiletto style high heel and compare to
the psi of your boot.
What conclusion can you draw about the relationship between
surface area and psi?
Describe in your own words or pictures the relationship between
weight and surface area and force, and how psi changes as you
increase or decrease the surface area.
Performance Event : Wood Hauling (for Lesson 6)
Science Standard: D-1
Math Standard: A-2, A-4
Background: Students will have completed performance task
on area/psi, comparisons of area and different psi, and class
Student Directions: Use your experience measuring psi and
comparing the "sinking factor" of various animal tracks to solve the
following problem:
A. You have been out in the woods all day cutting firewood. At the
end of the day, you have a big stack of logs to get back to the
l. What do you think would be the most efficient way
(means of transportation) to carry your logs home? Tell why you
chose the method you picked.
2. Tell how you could find the psi of the load of wood if the
size of the pile is one meter by two meters by one meter high and
it weighs 250 kilograms.
3. If you have a sled that is rated with a psi of 100, how many
trips will you have to make to get the logs back to the
B. Here's a picture/graph of the relationship between weight and
snowshoe area. Put yourself on the graph to show your psi.
Lesson 7 - Improvised Survival Snowshoes
Learning Goal: Students will use materials at hand (natural
materials: spruce boughs, willow, etc.) and collected materials
(recycled cardboard, plastic or other tubing, etc.) to make survival
snowshoes. Students will summarize in journals and make a
presentation to interested family members regarding what they learned
about snowshoes.
Materials: cardboard, tubing, boughs, willow wands,
traditional snowshoes, KWL chart from first activity, journals
l) Students collect natural and recycled material useful for
making survival snowshoes.
2) They then construct a pair of snowshoes from the materials.
3) Test out the snowshoes by holding races with the improvised
snowshoes. Include traditionally made snowshoes if desired for
4) Judge the snowshoes in two categories: a) traditional, b)
improvised. Have elders and peers judge effectiveness.
5) Students with teacher complete the KWL chart that was started
at the beginning of the unit. Students make presentation to parents
and/or community members about their findings and experiences.
Snowshoe softball?
Students who meet cultural and science/math standards are able
l. Acquire in-depth cultural knowledge through active
participation and meaningful interaction with Elder(s).
2. State how to choose snowshoes for different uses, and how to
care for them.
3. Exhibit their records, data collection and analysis for account
on how snowshoes proved helpful to someone in terrain areas.
4. Demonstrate weaving techniques.
5. Demonstrate ways to stay above the snow.
Make snowshoes in the traditional method for area:
-- Select tree for frame, fell, steam and shape frame
-- Make babiche
-- Weave using traditional method and materials, rhyme
Demonstrate results of psi survey/experiences.
Design snowshoes on the computer.
Create a snowshoe song/dance.
Dart, Joe. Alaskan's How to Handbook, Interior Alaska
Trappers Association,
Dick, Alan, "Selecting a Birch Tree," "Steaming," and "Snowshoe
and Birch Tree Uses" in Village Science, , 1997
Jones, Eliza and Anderson, Katherine, The Birch Tree, Roots of
Northern Athabascan Life, compiled by Deborah Niedermeyer through
Tanana Chiefs Village Arts Program, no date.
Viereck and Little, Alaskan Trees and Shrubs, USDA Forest
Service Agricultural Handbook
No. 410, Washington, D.C, 1972.
Knowledgeable Elders
Catherine Attla, Huslia
Eliza Jones
Katherine Anderson
Effie Kokrine
* For weaving practice or spirit catchers: brass O rings, craft
beads and feathers, dental floss or string, rawhide or gut,
* For miniature snowshoes: miniature snowshoes from craft store or
willow wands, string or dental floss, yarn, rawhide or gut,
* For survival snowshoes: spruce boughs, birch and willow wands,
wire, duct tape, PVC pipe or hose, string, babiche, cutting tools
* For traditional snowshoes: birch trees, saw, axe, babiche,
babiche needles, instructions
* For survey: paper, pencils, clipboards, tags, computer
* For comparisons: different models of snowshoes, boots, skis,
sporting equipment catalogues
* For psi activities: centimeter graph paper, students' boots,
snowshoes (at least one pair), life size tracks of moose, lynx,
ptarmigan copied onto centimeter graph paper
* For writing activities: student journals, large paper
More Snowshoe Ideas - by Amy
The Land of Snowshoes
Creating Cultural Awareness
Materials Needed for a Pair of Snowshoes
Hear legends about snowshoes
Walk into the woods with a knowledgeable parent and
identify trees
Interview people
Birch trees
Collect personal stories
Parents help students to identify their interest and
Keep a daily journal
Conduct a survey
Look at amps of local areas
Reflect on resource people, material availability, and
cultural activities involved
Collect stories from community members - hear, tell or
sing a song about snowshoes
Talk about respect for trees
Sharing of models, materials, resources, ideas, thoughts,
criticisms, discoveries, problems and or shortcuts with
Research snowshoe's original introduction
Find out old time celebrations and plan one for the whole
Play snowshoe baseball
Babiche needle
Make a display of models
Listen for how to take care of snowshoes
Experienced builder or instructional book
Define/demonstrate uses of models
How to plan for owning a pair
Create a database of resourceful people in local area
Gather resources on what is a snowshoe i.e. videos,
pictures of family members using them or building them
How to dress your feet before using snowshoes
Study area weather and snow conditions for walking
Determine time periods snowshoes are used
How to dress the rest of your body for snowshoe
Make a relay game
Look at long time ago photos together
Grow, grow, grow
Native made vs. commercially manufactured
Have fun
for Culturally Responsive Science Curriculum by Sidney Stephens
Excerpt: "The information and insights contained in this document will be
of interest to anyone involved in bringing local knowledge to bear in school
curriculum. Drawing upon the efforts of many people over a period of several
years, Sidney Stephens has managed to distill and synthesize the critical ingredients
for making the teaching of science relevant and meaningful in culturally adaptable
ways." |