Sam, the bear, glides across the midnight sky like an owl for its
So majestic and so wise.
He soars through the trees like a flying squirrel,
As quiet as the landing of a leaf.
Sam, the bear, slices through the summer air,
Like a little boy's kite dancing in the wind.
He climbs the largest mountains,
Not afraid of the highest cliffs.
Of all the bears, Sam was the strongest and smartest.
Whoelse could conquer so many bullets?
And whoelse could raid so many camp sites?
The power Sam possessed was immense.
A thousand men couldn't pin him down.
Through 37 1/2 years,
Sam roamed the Alaskan wilderness.
No hunter had the gut feeling to hunt a bear like Sam,
Because they knew he was the oldest and the wisest
of them all.