To: Tati
Song: We Like to Party
From: Flimsy
To: Allison and Spy
Song: Wild Things
Mess: Come down right now!
From: Dare devil
To: Spy and Crack
Song: Gettin' Jiggy
Mess: You guys match
From: A friend
To: Kevin Duny and
Paul Shorty
Song: ABC's and 123's
Mess: Be Good
From: Aunty Liz
To: Nicholas Askoar
Song: Kiss Me
Mess: I miss you
From: Diane Fitka

To: Girlie
Song: Oops Up!
Mess: Don't slip
From: Muff
To: Bonnie R. Beans
Song: Shout
Mess: 1/2 fun
From: DMF
To: MHS Girls
Song: ABC's and 123's
Mess: Keep up with School Work
From: Senior #12
To: Viola, Priscilla, AT, Florence, Karen(MEHS)
Song: Friends
Mess: See ya all sometime
From: Girlie
To: Michelle Akerelrea, Nicole George, Juggie, Cupa,and
Song: There She Goes
Mess: Take it e-z and don't be mischief!
From: Mustang #12
To: Myra Evan
Song: Crazy
Mess: What's up?
From: J?
To: Theresa
Song: Pretty Woman
From: Ray
To: Bill
Song: Let's go fishing!
From Tern
To: Jennifer
Song: Love in the First Degree
Mess: I miss you a lot. See you in six weeks!
From: Frank
To: Scammon Girls
Song: Down River Blues
Mess: You girls can do it next year!
From: #12 Mustang
To: All my buddies
Song: Joyride
Mess: Have fun.
From: #49
To: The 2nd and 3rd graders
Song: Does your chewing gum lose it's flavor (on the bedpost
From: Guess Who?
To: My Honey
Song: I'll Love you Forever
From: Your Honey
To: All the Freshmen
Song: Freshman
Mess: Don't mess around. Do your work!
From: Kim
To: Stew, Skin, Dennis, Jake
Song: Shoots & Ladders
From: Gomer
To: All H.S. boys that are failing
Song: Show me what you got!
From: Gomer
To: Boopsie and Popeye
Song: That's What Friends Are For
Mess: See you guys sometime
From: Kim D.
To: Lorah
Song: Workin' on the Chain Gang
Mess: Congratulations!
From: Mom and Dad
To: Jonathan Riley
Song: If you want to party!?
Mess: What's up?
From: Kim

To: MS
Song: Do You Dream of Me
Mess: I Love You
From: CTS
To: The Marshall Students
Song: We are the Champions
Mess: In our own way.
From: A Junior
To: The Marshall Students
Song: Tie Your Dreams to Mine
Mess: Remember My Words
From: Bird Man!
To: Uppa Boy
Song: Fatboy
Mess: Hi Uppa
From: Kim
To: You
Song: Unchained Melody
From: Me
