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BeadworkBeadworkEffie Kokrine Charter School
Thematic Curriculum


Fairbanks Native Association

New Program Bridges High School, College and Culture
Excerpt: " It used to be that before you went to college you had to graduate from high school. However, the lines between high school and college are no longer easily demarcated by grade level, age, or institutional affiliation. While older adults have the opportunity to acquire a high school diploma through programs such as the GED, young adults now have the opportunity to pursue college-level degrees and certificates while still enrolled in high school."

A new school, a strong foundation
This article is in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner printed May 18, 2005
Excerpt: " On Aug. 18, Effie Kokrine Charter School will open for students in grades 7 through 12 from a wide range of backgrounds and academic interests. The curriculum will help students understand the role of culture in their lives, as well as prepare them for academic success."

Final Proposal
"As early as 2002, a group of educators interested in starting a charter school based on a foundation of Alaska Native history and culture began meeting to discuss this possibility. The group included parents, teachers, elders, and representatives from many of the agencies and organizations that serve Native children and families. Several community meetings were held in Fairbanks. "

Charter School Websites: Alaska
This website lists Charter Schools nationwide. The website includes the article on the Fairbanks Native Association website.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District EKCS website