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Yup'ik RavenIntroduction

I began this "book" as a series of articles on birds found in the Lower Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. My rationale for beginning the series was to try to get Yupik students more interested in their language and traditional aspects of their culture through the medium of birds. I also hoped they would become more interested in science, and understand that, although there are differences between western science and traditional Yupik knowledge, there are many similarities as well.

I admit responsibility for the drawings, as bad or good as they may be. For me, pen and ink illustrations are a new frontier, as are my line drawings with color. I freely admit, however, that I have enjoyed doing the illustrations as much as I have enjoyed writing the articles. I only hope their quality improves as I continue with this project.

And I do plan to continue with it. As of now this is just the beginning.

Frank J Keim
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