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External review-MacTaggart report
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Monday, 10 August 2009, 01:05 pm
Please e-mail comments, suggestions, and observations directly to me at

In this report, it briefly mentions Alaska Native Knowledge Network.


Aug. 10, 2009

TO: Deans, directors, department heads, Chancellor's Cabinet, ASUAF, Staff Council, Faculty Senate and statewide officers

CC: Administrative assistants and public information officers

FROM: UAF Chancellor Brian Rogers

SUBJECT: External review-MacTaggart report

I am pleased to announce the completion of an external review of the University of Alaska Fairbanks by higher-education consultant Terry MacTaggart. The 22-page report affirms many of our existing priorities and provides suggestions for how we can better align our organization with our strategic plans and position UAF as one of the nation’s best student-focused research universities.

The report offers suggestions and recommendations in the following areas:

-leverage cutting-edge research to better advantage UAF;
-link our marketing efforts more closely with student recruitment and enrollment management;
-better organize and communicate the university’s work in distance education and e-learning;
-strengthen service to rural Alaska and its people;
-and achieve greater administrative efficiency and improved resource allocation.

In order for UAF to be recognized among the top student-oriented research universities, we will need to focus resources on activities that directly support teaching and research. The report recommends, among other things, reallocating a percentage of indirect cost recovery to undergraduate research and creative endeavors. It also advocates planned reductions in administrative costs—monies that could be redirected to teaching and research efforts.

Dr. MacTaggart has thoughtfully considered past recommendations identified through our planning processes as well as information conveyed in interviews with more than 40 staff and faculty members and community members. I’ve discussed the findings and recommendations with him at length and believe these focused recommendations will provide a good foundation for future action plans.

Given the complexity of our organization and our ever-changing operating landscape, this type of external review is key to refining our strategic direction. A copy of the report is posted on the Chancellor’s web page I plan to meet with governance groups, deans and directors, and the cabinet over the next 90 days to discuss the contents of the report and receive campus input. Please e-mail comments, suggestions, and observations directly to me at

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