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Native Insight Competition Winners' Ideas Going to DC
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Friday, 30 October 2009, 10:45 am
For more information and winners' essays, please visit:


Native Insight Competition Winners' Ideas Going to DC Seven Native Writers to Split $70,000 & Showcase Native Innovation Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) President Julie Kitka announced the names of seven Native Insight Competition winners, who will receive $10,000 each. Their ideas will be published in Native journals and magazines across the United States, including Alaska Newspapers, Indian Affairs, Native American Times, Native Sun and Native Legacy Magazine.

The Native Insight Winners', Finalists' and Semi-Finalists' ideas will also be shared with members of the Obama Administration. "The Native community has a tremendous amount of knowledge and insight to share. We were overwhelmed by the quality and diversity of the essays submitted, and we are looking forward to helping take these great ideas to the public and the Administration," said AFN President Julie Kitka.

Nearly 300 Native thinkers from across the nation submitted "Native Insight" essays about the economy and prospects for recovery. Women submitted 58 percent of the 280 eligible Native Insight entries, and men submitted 40 percent. Alaska Natives made up 32 percent of the applicant pool, with American Indians submitting 48 percent of the entries, and Native Hawaiians 16 percent.

The competition was open to Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and American Indians of all ages. The 500-1,600 word essays were due September 15, 2009. Essays addressed one or more of three writing prompts focused on how the Native community can support economic renewal, what it will take for the American economy to rebound and what the American leadership can do to jumpstart recovery. Visit to read the winning essays and learn more about this exciting competition.

AFN partnered with the National Congress of American Indians, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement to reach Native communities across the nation.

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