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For the Rights of All
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Tuesday, 3 November 2009, 07:53 am

This film by Jeff Silverman was supported by grants from Alaska Humanities Forum. FOR THE RIGHTS OF ALL tells the story of the civil rights movement in Alaska, which was the first state or territory to pass civil rights legislation.

FOR THE RIGHTS OF ALL has also been picked up by PBS nationally and will play in most markets during November.

Please forward this schedule to others who might be interested. More information about the film and this history may be found at :

KYUK-4 Bethel AK
Tue 11/3/2009 6:00 pm 1st run
KYUK-4.2 World Bethel AK
Mon 11/30/2009 9:00 pm 1st run
KUAC-9 Fairbanks AK
Tue 11/3/2009 6:00 pm 1st run
KUAC-9.2 World Fairbanks AK
Mon 11/30/2009 9:00 pm 1st run
KTOO-3 Juneau AK
Tue 11/3/2009 6:00 pm 1st run
KTOO-3.2 World Juneau AK
Mon 11/30/2009 9:00 pm 1st run
KMXT Kodiak AK
Tue 11/3/2009 6:00 pm 1st run KMXT.2 World Kodiak AK

KAKM Anchorage
Tuesday, December 1, 8 p.m

G. W. Kimura, Ph.D. (Cantab.)
President and C. E. O.
Alaska Humanities Forum
421 West First Avenue, Suite 300
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
907.272.5308 (direct)
907.272.5341 (main)
907.272.3979 (fax)
907.230.2682 (mobile)

ALASKA HUMANITIES FORUM MISSION: To enrich the civic, intellectual, and cultural life of all Alaskans.

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