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Teacher Survey
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Friday, 8 January 2010, 09:01 am
For more information, please contact


Dear Teachers,
We would like to know the needs of teachers for resources and training to teach about climate change and marine environments in Alaska.

To do so, we request that you fill out a short survey that will inform us about what you are doing now and your highest needs for additional resources and training.

To take the survey, please click on this link:

This survey is sponsored by the Alaska Center for Ocean Science Education Excellence (COSEE) and the International Arctic Research Center (IARC) at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) with grant support from the National Science Foundation.

We greatly appreciate your time and attention to the survey so that we can work to fill your needs. The survey will close on February 5, 2010.

Marilyn Sigman
COSEE Alaska

Sidney Stephens
University of Alaska Fairbanks

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