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Jerry Mohatt
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Wednesday, 10 February 2010, 05:46 pm
Feb. 10, 2010

TO: UAF community

FROM: UAF Chancellor Brian Rogers

SUBJECT: Faculty member death

It is with great sadness that I inform you that Professor Jerry Mohatt passed away this morning, surrounded by his wife, his children and his brother, Dennis. His death followed a long battle with leukemia.

Jerry, a professor of psychology, served as the director for UAF's Center for Alaska Native Health Research, IAB, which he established in 2001 after more than two decades of work to develop a nationally recognized biomedical health research program in Alaska.

Over the years, Jerry set the standard for UAF's community of engaged research. He was a mentor to new researchers who strove to continue his work with our Alaska Native communities. His research project, "People Awakening: Alaska Native Pathways to Sobriety," has been described as a landmark study in addictions science. In 2008, the university honored him with one of its most prestigious awards, the Emil Usibelli Distinguished Research Award.

During his time at UAF, Jerry laid the foundation for a joint UAF/UAA Ph.D. program in clinical-community psychology. He served as dean of the former College of Rural Alaska and the College of Human and Rural Development. Before coming to UAF, Jerry was the founding president of the Sinte Gleska University on the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota.

Our condolences and deepest sympathies go out to the Mohatt family and friends. There are plans for a memorial service at the Charles W. Davis concert hall, Sunday, Feb. 14 at 1 p.m. It is open to the public.

The family has also set up a blog in remembrance at Feel free to leave your thoughts and memories there.

I want to also let you know that we have grief support resources available for you here at UAF. For faculty and staff, counseling is available through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

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