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New Book Release
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Friday, 19 February 2010, 08:37 am
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New Book Release
Alaska Native Education
Views from Within
Edited by Ray Barnhardt and Angayuqaq Oscar Kawagley

Alaska Native People have a long history of addressing their educational needs with purposes and practices of their own making. Over the past 100 years however, with the influx of outsiders and the decimation of whole communities brought on by disease and epidemics, responsibility for education has shifted to the imported structure and mandates of schools. Having endured numerous variations in the form and substance of formal education, Native people continue to find the Western system of schooling wanting in meeting their educational needs. The authors of the essays contained in this volume seek to identify the limitations of the existing system of education and offer alternative views that point toward the revaluation of local knowledge and ways of knowing, with emphasis on blending old and new practices that address the contemporary needs of Alaska Native people, and in so doing, benefit all people.

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