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Position in Native American Studies
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Thursday, 29 April 2010, 12:32 pm
For more information, please contact Julie Holt,


Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, near St. Louis, is seeking a Visiting Scholar or Post-Doc in American Indian Studies. We would be grateful if you would circulate the announcement below to anyone who might be interested.

Our opportunity to appoint a visiting scholar was unexpected and so we have only a short time to receive applications; the closing date is May 26.

The post is open to candidates of all ranks, but since the post begins this August and is only for the 9 month academic year, it could work well for a recent Ph.D. graduate who is seeking additional experience while applying for a permanent position.

The announcement appears below for your convenience in emailing to prospective candidates and colleagues.

Thank you for your valuable time and assistance.

Julie Zimmermann Holt, PhD
Anthropology Chair
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville


Southern Illinois University Edwardsville seeks an energetic candidate to serve as a Visiting Scholar in Native American Studies for a nine month appointment during the 2010-2011 academic year. Primary responsibilities will be to teach courses in, and to promote, a new interdisciplinary minor in Native American Studies. The teaching load will consist of three anthropology courses in the fall semester; and in the spring semester, two political science courses and one team-taught interdisciplinary studies course. Activities to promote the program will include guest lectures, collaboration with SIUE faculty, connection with other Native American scholars in the region to create a regional consortium of Native American scholarship, and coordination of a conference in Native American Studies to be held at SIUE. PhD required; pay commensurate with experience. Applicants should send a cover letter and CV with contact information for three references to Julie Holt, Chair of Anthropology, SIUE, Edwardsville, 62026-1451. Closing date is May 26, 2010.

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