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WIPCE Abstracts
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Tuesday, 4 January 2011, 05:35 pm
Welcome to 2011!

Just a note to remind you that deadlines are approaching for submitting abstracts for presentations at the 9th World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education, to be held in Cuzco, Peru in Aug. 14-18, 2011. The deadline for abstracts has been moved to Feb. 1, 2011.

For further information on registration, travel and hotels, you can go to the WIPCE home page at If you have problems accessing the WIPCE registration window, please note that it is a two-step process. The first step is to go to the button in the upper right corner on the home page labeled "Registrarse," which is where you register yourself into their system. Once you have established your identity there, then you go to the left hand column where it says "WIPCE Registration," which takes you to the place where you pay your registration fee. Please note that the registration fee increases over time.

Regarding travel, for those of you with Alaska Air miles, you can make it from Alaska to Lima, Peru with 35,000 Alaska miles (a joint fare with Alaska Air and American Airlines). To get from Lima to Cuzco you can fly with LAN Air or with TACA International Air (the RT fare on TACA is $103 per person or up).

I hope to see a good contingent from Alaska in Cuzco. If you have questions about any aspects of the conference, let me know (practice up on your Espanol). If you are submitting a proposal for a presentation, please note that it should be sent to Linda Sue Warner at

In the meantime, enjoy the new year . . . . Ray

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