Dear WIPCE PERU 2011 collegues,
I hope this email finds you well. The website has been recently improved and some important changes has been made in the best interest of WIPCE PERU 2011 Delegates.
First of all, the Early Bird registration has been extended and it is now possible to register with the lowest rate until February 15th.
the Call of Abstracts has also been extended. People interested to present at WIPCE PERU 2011 have now until March 21st to send their Abstracts. On the other hand, correctors have until March 28th to send the their list of selected presenters to us. The final list of presenters will be publish on the website by March 31st.
Please contact your database to pass on this information to reactivate the interest to participate in WIPCE PERU 2011.
Very best regards
Patrick Bibeau Asistente de Coordinación
Grupo GASTON-SACAZE Pasaje José Gálvez No. 120, Miraflores, Lima 18, PERÚ Telf: (511) 444.33.84/91 (Anexo 25) Celular: (511) 997597963