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ALASKASIZE Workouts Videos
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Thursday, 31 March 2011, 09:38 am
Wrangell, Alaska SEARHC Traditional Foods

Located on You Tube:
ALASKASIZE 10 Minute Final Workout Video
ALASKASIZE 5 Minute Workout Video

This 10 minute and the 5 minute workout videos located on You Tube were organized by a few adults, but the kids in the video did most of the work. They chose the movements such as berry picking, walking in the muskeg, pulling in a net, chopping wood, etc… We did add in the Tlingit directions for each movement so that they heard and learned some of the language also.

The workout video is not like ones that you see on TV. The video is to give you ideas on movements you can do where ever you are and what ever age you are. Also it is not follow the leader. You can make up your own movements. You can choose the intensity of the workout by stepping higher or making larger motions or maybe by holding a can of soup in each hand.

The ideas for the videos are simple, "just move". This is a great family activity to do while you are watching TV and every time a commercial comes on you go around the room and each person chooses a movement and everyone does it for 30 seconds. The average length of a commercial is between 3 to 4 minutes. The average time of commercials in a one hour episode is 15 minutes. Think of all the fun you can have as a family and the exercise you will get! The movements don't have to be about traditional activities they can be, acting like you are jumping rope, doing the hula hoop, hopping like a frog, walking like a monster, etc. The movements and ideas are endless and the fun and laughter is contagious.

You can do a few minutes before bed or when you wake up. Teachers can do this in their classrooms or during PE. Elders can do the movements if they are in a chair. Children, Elders and Adults of all ages can do the movements together but at different paces depending on their ability.

I hope you enjoy the You Tube videos. I encourage you to use the ALASKASIZE ideas with your own family, school, community, or Elders. Have fun!

Gunalchéesh Ho Ho,
Tammi Meissner

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