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NIEA Honor List
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Saturday, 3 September 2011, 03:05 pm
The Honor List 2011
Every year, National Indian Education Association (NIEA) is proud to award General Members who have made outstanding contributions to Native education. These are dedicated persons who have improved students' academic achievement and promoted educational equality for students. NIEA will be honoring these amazing people at the Annual Awards Banquet on Saturday October 29, in the Albuquerque Convention Center. Don't forget to grab a banquet ticket when registering!

Here is the complete Honor List of our 2011 award winners:

Lifetime Achievement Award: Joann Sebastian Morris, Cherokee and Howard Rainer, Taos Pueblo
Educator of the Year: Keiki Kawai`ae`a, Native Hawaiian
Teacher of the Year: Alice Wilder, Cherokee
Parent of the Year: Deborah Parker, Tulalip
Elder of the Year: Joan Spade, Nez Perce and Dr. Horace Axtell, Nez Perce
Community Service Award: Edith Baker, Muscogee (Creek)

Congratulations again!

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