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New Book - North by 2020
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Wednesday, 12 October 2011, 08:35 am
North by 2020
Perspectives on Alaska's Changing
Social-Ecological Systems
Edited by Amy Lauren Lovecraft and Hajo Eicken

Published by the University of Alaska Press and distributed by the University of Chicago Press

Publication date: November 2011
736 pages, 7 x 10

ISBN: 978-1-60223-142-9
paper $70.00

e-ISBN: 978-1-60223-143-6
e-book $70.00

To order please visit or call 888.252.6657

Originating from a series of workshops held at the Alaska Forum of the Fourth International Polar Year, this interdisciplinary volume addresses a host of current concerns regarding the ecology and rapid transformation of the arctic. Concentrating on the most important linked social-ecological systems, including fresh water, marine resources, and oil and gas development, this volume explores opportunities for sustainable development from a variety of perspectives, among them social sciences, natural and applied sciences, and the arts. Individual chapters highlight expressions of climate change in dance, music, and film, as well as from an indigenous knowledge–based perspective.

Amy Lauren Lovecraft is associate professor of political science at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Hajo Eiken is professor of geophysics at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and the editor of Field Techniques for Sea Ice Research, also published by the University of Alaska Press.

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