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Position Announcement
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Friday, 21 October 2011, 04:07 pm
The Departments of English and Anthropology at the University of Alaska Anchorage invite applications for a joint tenure-track assistant professor position in anthropological linguistics, beginning August 2012. The position requires a PhD in anthropology, English, linguistics, or a related discipline by 1 July 2012. Academic concentration must be in anthropological linguistics, linguistic anthropology, or a very closely allied subfield. We seek someone with a record of ethnographic fieldwork, broadly defined, who is capable of teaching courses in linguistics and anthropology at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Geographical area of expertise is open, but candidates with a research agenda involving the circumpolar or northern Pacific Rim regions are particularly encouraged to apply. The ideal candidate’s application will demonstrate a record of or commitment to research involving indigenous peoples. The position is a tripartite appointment that will involve teaching two courses in the Department of English and one in the Department of Anthropology each semester; maintaining an active research program in the field of specialization; and providing service to the departments, university, and community. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop new courses for both departments, and candidates are invited to address this in their cover letter. Please apply electronically at Be prepared to attach a cover letter detailing your qualifications for the position, a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests (including a description of your approach to linguistics), a writing sample (not to exceed 30 pages), a teaching portfolio (including a statement of teaching philosophy, a sample syllabus, and a sample assignment outline), and the names and contact information for three professional references. Please arrange to send hard copies of transcripts and three recommendation letters directly to Dr. David Bowie, Chair, English/Anthropology Joint Search Committee, Department of English, 3211 Providence Dr, Anchorage AK 99508-4614. Review of applications will begin immediately, but screening will continue until the position is filled, with applications received by 1 December 2011 receiving fullest consideration.
UAA is an AA/EO Employer and Educational Institution. Applicant must be eligible for employment under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and subsequent amendments. Your application for employment with UAA is subject to public disclosure.

Go to University of Alaska The University of Alaska Fairbanks is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, educational institution and provider is a part of the University of Alaska system. Learn more about UA's notice of nondiscriminitation.