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"Day in Our Bay" - Digital Storytelling Project of BBNC
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Thursday, 28 February 2013, 10:45 am
I'm working with "Day in Our Bay," a digital storytelling project of Bristol Bay Native Corporation, to create digital window and educational resource about the Bristol Bay region of Alaska. Our focus in on the land, people and culture of the region.

The following are some of the areas of focus for "Day in Our Bay" right now. Feel free to use them in your social networks. You are welcome to copy them verbatim or adjust to fit your needs.


You can view the entire 15-minute documentary "Day in Our Bay," a window to the Bristol Bay region in #Alaska #Native

Learn about the #Native Way of Life in the Bristol Bay region of #Alaska by following @dayinourbay

Learn about the people, land and culture in the Bristol Bay region of #Alaska by following @dayinourbay

For Facebook

Learn about the people, land and culture in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska through the "Day in Our Bay" digital storytelling project.

Later this year, we will be redesigning our website. When it is ready, we'd love to have you help spreading the word. In the meantime, please let us know your messaging priorities and feel free to provide content we can share.

Many, many Thanks!
Erica Buteau,

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