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Position Announcement: Asst./Assoc. Professor of Indigenous Studies
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Thursday, 23 May 2013, 04:44 pm
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Center for Cross-Cultural Studies
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775
(907) 474-1902 • (Fax) 474-1957


The University of Alaska Fairbanks has a significant number of Indigenous students enrolled in a wide range of academic programs that are available on campus in Fairbanks as well as through a network of six rural campuses and a variety of distance education programs administered through the College of Rural and Community Development.

Indigenous Studies is located in the Center for Cross-Cultural Studies and constitutes an interdisciplinary M.A. and PhD program built upon an integrated set of core courses designed around a set of six specialty areas with emphases in Indigenous Research, Indigenous Education, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Indigenous Languages, Indigenous Sustainability and Indigenous Leadership. The program is offered jointly through the Center for Cross-Cultural Studies, the Alaska Native Language Center, the School of Education, and the Department of Alaska Native and Rural Development. The PhD program was established in 2009 and is administered by the Center for Cross-Cultural Studies in cooperation with the UAF Graduate School, the College of Liberal Arts, and the College of Rural and Community Development.

The Center for Cross-Cultural Studies was established in 1971 by action of the UA Board of Regents. In addition to the academic programs, it houses the Alaska Native Knowledge Network, a curriculum clearinghouse and a publications center. The research and development agenda for the Center focuses on applied research, cultural collaborations, and academic programs that benefit the people of Alaska.

Applicants should have previous university-level teaching and research experience and significant experience working with Alaska Native/Indigenous cultures and peoples. Many Indigenous Studies courses are cross-listed in other departments and there is the opportunity to work with students and faculty in other disciplines, schools, or colleges. Most courses are offered by various modes of distance education.

Applicants for this position must have completed a doctoral degree and be able to teach distance education courses and guide student research within fields related to Native/Indigenous Studies. Potential areas of expertise are indigenous knowledge systems, Native ways of knowing, cultural studies in the humanities and social sciences, Native/natural sciences, Indigenous sustainability, nurturing community well-being, and comparative studies in the Arctic and Pacific Rim regions.

Review of applications begins August 1, 2013. Initial interviews will be done by phone; finalists will be invited to campus. Potential applicants should log on to UAKJobs at for further information. Please direct any questions about this position to UAF Center for Cross-Cultural Studies at (907) 474-1902 or to Visit for further information.

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