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2013 Alaska Math/Science Conference
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Thursday, 20 June 2013, 01:22 pm
The 2013 Alaska Math/Science Conference will be held in Anchorage this fall, October 18-20, 2013. We are currently requesting proposals for session offerings. The conference, entitled Changing Climates: Tracking Trends will target science and math educators focusing on innovative educational approaches that will help administrators and teachers emphasize science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in their districts, schools and classrooms.

We expect attendance of over 500 educators, administrators, presenters and vendors. The professional development offered for all who attend this conference will result in better teaching and subsequently better learning by students. The conference will have three session types: 1.5 hour interactive sessions, 3 hour interactive sessions and 45 min. research presentations. We know that you are busy people but it is important that we as a community share our expertise. Please consider developing a session for this important conference.

Why focus on CHANGING CLIMATES in education? Today’s teachers are not only looking at the literal scientific definition of climate change but also the changing climate of classroom tools to teach STEM topics (the flipped classroom, advances in technology, laptops for all students, changing state and national standards), and the changing climate of professional development (electronic/online classrooms, webinars, etc.). Current employment projections by the U.S. Labor Department show that 15 of the 20 fastest growing occupations projected for 2014 require significant mathematics and science preparation to successfully compete for a job. How do we best prepare our students to live and work in the 21st century? Do you have a way to help attendees develop a clear picture of the importance of STEM education so they can share that vision with their home communities? Can you provide tools for administrators and teachers to use, to lead our children in the classroom to becoming innovators in science, technology, engineering and math?

Please visit our website to complete the Request for Proposal online.

Thank you again for considering your participation in the 2013 Alaska Math/Science Conference, please pass this information on to others who can help make our conference the best ever!


Kathryn Kurtz
2013AK Math/Science Conference Program Chair
907-223-6722 (cell)

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