Alaska Native Knowledge Network
Resources for compiling and exchanging information related to Alaska Native knowledge systems and ways of knowing.

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Talking Sticks Update - 26 Aug 2013
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Tuesday, 27 August 2013, 03:49 pm
For more information, please visit The Talking Stick at:


Greetings Members of Talking Stick!

Welcome back to a new school year! We look forward to working with you as you support your students in a successful academic year!

The Talking Stick Ning is here to help you as a resource for instructional materials, ideas and a forum for you to connect with others who are also working with Native American students. Take advantage of the library, forums, discussion topics and events section to post things of interest to you and others.Let us know if you need any help with your ideas and postings.

Here is a new blog on Indigenous Mapping. Have you worked with students in your community on mapping traditional landmarks? Do you have any ideas on how to incorporate mapping into the curriculum? Or, do you have any other ideas on student activities that relate to the use of technology, standards, culture and or a place-based curriculum? You might consider adding your own ideas to this blog.

Have a great week!

Your Talking Stick facilitators at NCELA.

Visit The Talking Stick at:

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