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APHA-AIANNH Caucus Logo Contest
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Tuesday, 15 October 2013, 09:31 am
Dear AIANNH Caucus members and Friends,
The AIANNH Caucus needs a logo to represent the caucus in official materials including printed and digital material. In order to create a logo we have created a logo contest.
Entry Guidelines:
1. Initial entries must be submitted by email to by 12am EST October 28th, 2013.
2. The email must include the name, age, postal address, phone number and email address of the Entrant. Please indicate whether you are American Indian, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian and please also specify your tribe.
3. Logo must be saved in either JPG or PNG format and should be resizeable.
4. Logo Guidelines
a. Professional: This logo may be featured on our website, our social media platforms and other printed materials. The logo should be eye-catching and clear.
b. Theme: The theme should represent the AIANNH Caucus as a part of APHA.
c. Color: There are no limitations and any colors may be used.
d. Integrity: Logos cannot contain copyrighted material. Logos must have been created and edited by the contestant(s). Logos may not include images or licensed images that have been previously published.
5. The logo if selected will become property of the caucus but will only be used for official business with credit given to the artist. Entries that are not selected will not be used at all by the caucus.
Logo Selection:
Logo will be selected at the 2013 APHA AIANNH Caucus Meeting through member voting. The selected entry will win a traditional mask titled Ellam Iinga: Eye of Awareness featured below.

More Information:
You can find out more information about the cacus to help you with logo creation.
We are on facebook: APHA American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian Caucus
Our website:

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