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Fulbright Canada Visiting Chair at Werklund
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Monday, 24 March 2014, 09:34 am
Fulbright Canada Visiting Research Chair in STEM Education at the University of Calgary.

This is an ideal opportunity for you to identify American colleagues who might wish to come to the Werklund School of Education to collaborate on research projects and share ideas and perspectives.

Here’s some detail you can share with your American colleagues:
Core Facts about the awards
· The competition for American scholars is now open, and closes August 1, 2014;
· Grants are 4 months (September 2015 or January 2016).

· Candidates must be American citizens;
· Must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent professional/terminal degree as appropriate. Candidates outside academia (e.g., professionals, artists) with recognized professional standing and substantial professional accomplishments are also eligible;
· Must be proficient in English.

Applicants are not eligible if they
· hold permanent residency status in Canada;
· reside in Canada; or
· have resided abroad for five or more consecutive years in the six year period immediately preceding the date of application.

Fulbright Canada at a glance:
· With more than 300,000 Fulbright alumni in more than 150 countries, the Fulbright program is the gold standard in academic exchange and a leader in public diplomacy.
· The Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America (Fulbright Canada) is a binational, treaty-based, non-governmental, not-for-profit organization with a mandate to identify the best and brightest minds in both countries and engage them in residential academic exchange.
· The mandate of Fulbright Canada is to enhance mutual understanding between the people of Canada and the people of the United States of America by providing support to outstanding individuals. These individuals conduct research, lecture, or enroll in formal academic programs in the other country. In doing so, Fulbright Canada aims to grow intellectual capacity, increase productivity, and assist in the shaping of future leaders.

For details about all Fulbright awards, please visit

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