Alaska Native Knowledge Network
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2014 NIEA Pre-Registration
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Wednesday, 2 April 2014, 01:32 pm
For more information, please visit their website:


The 45th Annual National Indian Education Association Convention & Trade Show will be held October 15th - October 19th at the Dena'ina & William A. Egan Civic & Convention Center in Anchorage, Alaska.

NIEA is excited to bring our annual convention to the Native tribes and villages of Alaska. Anchorage will provide an exciting backdrop as attendees participate in workshops, hear from renowned speakers, and share unique culture experiences from across all Native communities. In the coming months, NIEA will post exciting Alaskan excursion opportunities being held in conjunction with the convention to ensure our attendees have the opportunity to explore the beautiful Alaskan landscape and witness firsthand the heritage of our Alaska Native communities.

This year's theme expands upon last year's theme - "Building Education Nations & Communities" - to continue to build our Native education advocacy, resources, and programs so that we can sustain quality education through the generations. Join us this year as we continue to improve the state of Native education.

Go to University of Alaska The University of Alaska Fairbanks is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, educational institution and provider is a part of the University of Alaska system. Learn more about UA's notice of nondiscriminitation.