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Summer Arctic Field Ecology Course
from Alaska Native Knowledge Network - Friday, 11 April 2014, 12:08 pm
Are you interested in learning more about Alaska's arctic? Here is an exciting Summer Sessions opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students interested in Arctic environmental change.
During this 16-day field excursion to Alaska's North Slope from June 6-21, 2014 students will learn about Arctic vegetation, soils, landforms, permafrost, geology, wildlife and land-use along the incredible transect from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay, which traverses boreal forest, alpine, and Arctic biomes. Plant species and vegetation will be studied in the context of environmental gradients and methods for vegetation sampling and description will be taught. Students will undertake an independent research project of their choosing.

Ten days will be spent camping at different locations along the route. We will also stay at Toolik Field Station, a world-renowned Arctic research station. Guest instructors will discuss Arctic ecology and landscape features in greater detail at key points along the travel route.

The cost of meals, lodging and travel between the field sites is included in the course fee. Students will need to bring all-weather clothing including winter jackets and rubber boots, a warm sleeping bag, and a tent.

To register, please visit:

Scholarships are available.

For further information, please see:

Martha Raynolds, Ph.D.
office - 158A Arctic Health Research Building
mail - 311 Irving, PO Box 757000
University of Alaska
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7000
Phone - (907) 474-6720

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