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Ferguson, Judy

April 2004

Very Useful
Referenced by: ANKN Clearinghouse

Grade Level(s): 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Theme(s): Cultural Expression

Alaska: 1945-2003, from classical to globalization. The story of a strong Alaskan man and woman whose lives depicted the mystique of a rapidly vanishing Alaska. In a saga that covers the North, from past to present, their lives bridged with the Native people, & the Caucasian trappers and traders, Alaska's grass-roots people who were "Old Alaska." Includes the Tanana, Yukon, Goodpaster, Kobuk, Copper, Yukon, Porcupine and MacKenzie Rivers, many of Alaska's classical people including Jerry Isaac, president of Tanana Chiefs Conference. Blue Hills 2nd edition, printed April 2004. ISBN: 0-9716044-1-X, Distributed by Glas Publishing: 895 4101; also by News Group and Partners West. 256 glossy pages 206 photos; also maps & 4-page glossary. Retail: $24.95; wholesale: $15.00.

» Culturally-Based Curriculum Resources


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