Alaska Native Knowledge Network
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Usher, Peter J.

May14, 1982

Referenced by: ANKN Clearinghouse

Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Theme(s): Exploring Horizons

"Many problems and changes beset native hunting peoples in rural and northern Canada. Their traditional lands are being taken for resource development, other people want the right to use their traditional resources, and their economy and society are undergoing great changes. In addition, native people are increasingly accused of abusing fish and wildlife. In recent years there have been widespread reports of slaughters of caribou far beyond need, the hunting of marine mammals solely for their ivory (and in both cases, much wastage of meat), and the blackmarketing of salmon taken under domestic fishing permits. Furthermore, many native people now hunt with sophisticated gear -- high-powered rifles with telescopic sights, snowmobiles, and fast boats with big outboards -- and even search out game by air. The feeling is that the balance has been tipped too far in favour of the hunter."Excerpt:

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