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McBeath, Gerald A.
Morehouse, Thomas A.

no date given

Referenced by: ANKN Clearinghouse

Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Theme(s): Exploring Horizons

From "The Dynamics of Alaska Native Self-Government"

"Statehood is the watershed for most political developments is Alaska and especially for the transformation of the Native population of the state. However, the changes that followed statehood were not in all cases directly traceable to the granting of state powers. Some of the most important, in fact, were influences external to the state that were mediated through and, in some cases, contradictory to the policies of state institutions. We begin reviewing the direct implications of statehood for the Native population and then consider processes less directly related to state government and more characteristic of broad-ranging developments in the United States as a whole as well as in Alaska in the 1960s."

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