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Kakinya, Elijah
Paneak, Simon
Helge Ingstad, Collector

Referenced by: Alaska Yukon Library

Grade Level(s): 7, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11

Theme(s): Language/Communication, Cultural Expression

These stories were told by Elijah Kakinya and Simon Paneak of Anaktuvuk Pass in the Inupiaq Eskimo and taped in 1949-1950 by the Norwegian Helge Ingstad. The stories were later edited and translated by Knut Bergsland with the help of Ronald Senungetuk and Justus Mekiana. The book is illustrated by Ronald W. Senungetuk. There are Myths and Legends of Origin, Guardians of Game, Animal Tales, Fabulous Stories, Stories About Revenge and Historical Legends and Accounts.

Prepared for publication by the UAF Alaska Native Language Center.

Information about the resource can be found at:
Alaska Yukon Library
Anchorage, AK
Telephone: (907) 474-5897
email: Alaska Yukon Library

» Culturally-Based Curriculum Resources


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