Alaska Native Knowledge Network
Resources for compiling and exchanging information related to Alaska Native knowledge systems and ways of knowing.

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McLean, Deborah L.
Wren, Patricia Sue
Hobson, Gina M.
May 1998

Very Useful
Referenced by: UAF Dillingham Branch

Grade Level(s): K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Theme(s): Subsistence, Outdoor Survival, Living in Place, Tribe/Community

Alaska Native Children's drawings and stories about subsistence activities. Includes a calendar of subsistence activities, why and how to incorperate these in to your classroom. Ways for parents to be involved in their child's education at home and school.

This project involves the use of Native knowledge to develop teaching activities at home, in the community, and in the schools and to understand what is of value to parents and communities in rural Alaska. This project is centered around young children's knowledge of subsistence skills and the implications for educators. Incorporation of Native student's knowledge, values and skills learned from a subsistence lifestyle provides teachers with a relevant framework for lessons/projects in the classroom and also provides students with a much more stimulating and attractive educational process.

Price $8.00. UAFBBC (907) 842-5109 for more information. Contact person Debi McLean.


Information about the resource can be found at:
ANKN Clearinghouse
P.O.Box 756730
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6730

Tel: (907) 474-5897
or email: ANKN Clearinghouse

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