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Calvin Martin, ed.
Martin, Calvin
et al.

American Indian, Native Hawaiian
Referenced by: Alaska Yukon Library

Grade Level(s): 8, 9, 10, 11

Theme(s): Tribe/Community

Other authors include Robert F. Berkhofer, jr., Neal Salisbury, Carnelius J. Jaenen, Henry F. Dobyns, Mary Young, Vine Deloria, jr., Wilcomb E. Washburn, Michael Dorris, Richard Drinnon, Frederick K. Turner, Christopher Vecsey, Robin Ridington, Peter Iverson, Peter Nabokov, N. Scott Momaday, Henriette Whiteman, Haunani-Kay Trask, Gerald Vizenor.

This is a study of the "metaphysics" of writing Indian-white history. "Each of the eighteen authors herein wrestles with the phenomenon that in writing about Indians and whites in concert scholars are per-force trying to mesh two very different structures and systems of reality and knowledge- two fundamentally different cosmologies- which in fact do not really fit together."

$10.95 Oxford University Press

Information about the resource can be found at:
Alaska Yukon Library
Anchorage, AK
Telephone: (907) 474-5897
email: Alaska Yukon Library

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