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Tlingit Elders
Dauenhauer, Nora Marks, Editor
Dauenhauer, Richard, Editor

Very Useful
Referenced by: Sealaska Heritage Foundation

Grade Level(s): 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Theme(s): Language/Communication, Cultural Expression, Tribe/Community, Living in Place

Have you ever wondered what's going on at a memorial, sometimes called 'potlatch' or 'party'? Haa Tuwunáagu Yís, for Healing our Spirit is a study of the process and performance of a memorial. Haa Tuwunáagu Yís is the first publication of Tlingit oratory recorded in performance. It features Tlingit texts with facing English translations and detailed annotations; photographs of the orators and the settings in which the speeches are delivered; biographies of the elders; and a glossary. There are thirty-two speeches by twenty-one Tlingit elders. Most were taped between 1968 and 1988, but two speeches were recorded on wax cylinders by the Harriman Expedition in Sitka in 1899, and are the oldest known sound recordings of Tlingit. Winner of the 1991 American Book Award.

Edited by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer. Classics of Tlingit Oral Literature, Vol. 2, University of Washington Press and Sealaska Heritage Foundation, 1990, 526 pp., illustrations, bibliography. Hard cover, $35.00; Paperback, $22.50

Available from:

Sealaska Heritage Foundation
One Sealaska Plaza, Suite 201
Juneau, Alaska 99801

(907) 463-4844


Information about the resource can be found at:
ANKN Clearinghouse
P.O.Box 756730
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6730

Tel: (907) 474-5897
or email: ANKN Clearinghouse

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