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Alaska Sentencing Commission

December 1991

Referenced by: AFN

Grade Level(s): 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Theme(s): Tribe/Community


Alaska's prison population has more than tripled since 1980, growing at a much faster rate than the population or the crime rate, while the operating budget for the Department of Corrections has quadrupled and continues to increase. Concern about prison overcrowding and costs, as well as general concern about the efficacy of sentencing practices, prompted the Alaska State Legislature to establish the Alaska Sentencing Commission in 1990. ...

The commission has been working to fulfill its legislative mandate to evaluate sentencing laws and practices and to make recommendations for improvement. This report contains both general policy statements and specific recommendations for action by all branches of state government, including:

* policy and budget considerations for evaluating sentencing legislation
* proposals for one new aggravating factor and one new mitigating factor
* expanded immunity for probation and parole officers
* streamlined probation revocation procedures
* increased availability and use of intermediate sanctions by corrections officials and judges
* improvements in state data collection

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