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Alyeska Pipeline Service Company

April 1996

Referenced by: ANKN Clearinghouse

Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Theme(s): Energy/Ecology, Living in Place, Tribe/Community


Implementation of the revised Alaska Native Utilization Plan (Attachment 1) is an on-going process of planning, action, assessment and modification. Participants in the process include Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, designated contractors, the Authorized Officer for the Bureau of Land Management on behalf of the DOI and the Section 29 Advisory Board.

This Implementation Plan broadly describes activities and strategies for each section of the agreement. Details of current activities are found in the attachments. A summary of these activities is depicted using a Gaant chart, Attachment 10. Specific activities may change through the process of assessment and modification. In all cases, the requirements of the Agreement shall remain the controlling elements and not this plan.

The dynamic process described in this Plan will enable Alyeska Pipeline Service Company to meet the goals described in the Alaska Native Utilization Agreement and Section 29 of the Federal Grant of Right of Way for TAPS.

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P.O. Box 756730
Fairbanks, AK 99775-6730

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