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Anchorage Daily News


Very Useful
Referenced by: ANKN Clearinghouse

Grade Level(s): 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Theme(s): ANCSA, Living in Place, Subsistence, Tribe/Community

From the editor:

No issue has loomed as long or as large in Alaska as that of Native sovereignty and the complexities of Indian country in America's last frontier.
Daily News reporters and photographers have spent the last six months documenting and demystifying Indian country, where the destinies of Alaska Natives and this state's newer residents are clashing. At stake are land, culture, economic health and the governance of our vast land and resources.
Today we begin a weeklong series of articles that explore the hopes, fears and realities associated with controversy. The series will take you to rural villages where the issue is far less abstract than it is here in urban Alaska. We will introduce you to passionate advocates on all sides of the issue. And we will explain the importance of an upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision over whether Indian country legally exists in Alaska, other than in Metlakatla.
We hope "Indian country: Two destinies, one land" fosters informed debate about this important topic. Our aim is to help Alaskans better comprehend the issues and understand one another's dreams for Alaska's future. Let us know what you think.

Kent Pollock
Daily News Editor

To order reprints, go to Indian Country Reprints website

The text articles are on the internet, go to Indian Country index

Information about the resource can be found at:
ANKN Clearinghouse
P.O. Box 756730
Fairbanks, AK 99775-6730

Tel: (907) 474-5897
or email: ANKN Clearinghouse

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