Alaska Native Knowledge Network
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State-Operated Schools
University of Alaska
Alaska Methodist University
May 31, 1971

Referenced by: ANKN Clearinghouse

Grade Level(s): 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Theme(s): Living in Place, Exploring Horizons

(A Joint Teacher Corps/Career Opportunities Program State of Alaska Project)

Interim Assessment Report & Amendments

(With Management System Plan)


The original Alaska proposal of December 10, 1969 and the amendments of May 28, 1970 embody the significant features of the Alaska Rural Teacher Training Corps (ARTTC):

1. A management consortium composed of the Division of State-Operated Schools, the University of Alaska, and Alaska .Methodist University.

2. A diversified funding base.

3. The on-site location of teams in several Alaskan villages:

A. Angoon
B. Bethel
C. Fort Yukon
D. McGrath
E. Metlakatla
F. Nondalton
G. Noorvik
H. Nulato
I. Point Hope
J. Tanana
K. Togiak

4. A commitment on the part of the participating institutions to:

A. Develop a field-centered, competency-based teacher education program that will eventually be incorporated into the curriculum of the universities,

B. Involve community residents in the educational process in their community, and

C. Create opportunities for residents of the village communities to be trained to be teachers in their own communities.

Information about the resource can be found at:
ANKN Clearinghouse
P.O.Box 756730
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6730

Tel: (907) 474-5897

» Culturally-Based Curriculum Resources


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